(Yes the space after "binpath=" is required!) Add this path C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\; to you existing path. 3. You can also change the Windows service startup type using the sc command. don't give space in SERVICE NAME. Open your command prompt and hit below command. sc create "MorganTechService" binpath= "C:\Program FilesMorganTechSPacemyservice.exe". Let's see some of the methods. Through this command you can query the list of Services currently available in your Windows System. It takes arguments to manage the services. Open an elevated command prompt and type in: sc queryex servicename. Find the 'Path' variable in system variables and click EDIT. SC Create command syntax. There are many tools available to query the service permissions in Windows. In order to have quotes for path you put inside of parameter quotes so called . For ex: sc query "windows service name" The sc config command changes the configuration of the service, but I don't know how to use it. Stack Overflow. If you type just SC command at Windows command prompt; it will display the help information of the command. About; . After you click Add Installer, it will create the service installer class and open it in design mode. To create service: Open windows command prompt as run as administrator. For example, to stop the Print Spooler service (named "Spooler"), run: SC STOP Spooler Use the following commands to start or stop a Windows service: ADVERTISEMENT. Set start type to manual: You can delete a service by following command: sc delete RFSERVICE. Once you have created the command, you will see the name from the Windows services list. Click serviceInstaller1 to bring up its properties. Additional References In order to preserve quotes in binpath following syntax should be used: sc create MyService binpath= "\"C:Program Files (x86)\My Service\myservice.exe\"" displayname= "My Service"". Method 1: Using SC.EXE SDSHOW command-line. Most of the SC command subcommands apply equally to drivers. I am installing some services with the installutils command but I'm having immense trouble in getting these to install using the SC create command. Run the following command: sc create service_name binpath= C:pathtobinary [option1] [option2] [optionN] Here is an example: sc create RFSERVICE binPath="D:RFIDMultipleSocketServer.exe" ^ DisplayName="RFSERVICE" start=auto. To stop a windows service from an elevated DOS prompt, run: SC STOP <Service-Name> where <Service-Name> is the name of the service. You received a message saying "SUCCESS" once the service has . Kill the PID. 5. Start a Service Some options only take effect at the point when the service is started e.g. create is the command to be run by SC (this command name is mandatory to create a service). If you have the appropriate permissions, the SC command can be used to manage services on both the local and remote systems. To specify a binary path for the NewService service, type: sc.exe config NewService binpath= c:\windows\system32\NewServ.exe SC is not picky; it will install anything as a service. sc create [service-name] binpath= [servic-file-path] service-name : Name of new Windows Service. Generally, these three methods are used to install and uninstall a Windows service: Method 1: The service is a .NET program. To install this kind of service you must run a program with the filename InstallUtil.exe, that was installed with .NET Framework. Find out the PID of the service. This is possible by using either the net start service or sc start command (see previous question on that).. To start a service using sc start, the syntax is:. To view the permissions for a Service, use the following command-line (from admin Command Prompt) syntax: sc.exe sdshow [service_short_name] Installing Windows Service with SC. Install Windows Service using Command Prompt. If it works correctly, some text would scroll up in the command window. This is the name given to the service key in the registry. Stop Service: sc stop ServiceName. Type sc.exe create SERVICE NAME binpath= " SERVICE FULL PATH ". Example: The SC command is used to configure, query, stop, start, delete, and add system services on the Windows command line. Uninstall using InstallUtil.exe utility. So, you can actually create a Windows service manually using the SC command. This topic describes the various options of the SC command with the Create command option. in SERVICE FULL PATH give the service exe file full path. servic-file-path : File path of Windows Service file. I'm . Service will be successfully registered, but you lose quotes in binpath in this case. The service is written in C# or VB, and uses .NET Framework. Create Windows Service. sc [<ServerName>] start <ServiceName> [<ServiceArguments>] <ServerName> Specifies the name of the remote server on which the service is located. A space is required between an option and its value (for example, type= own. the SC config command allows the executable of a service to be changed. The command to uninstall the service looks like the below: cd "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4..30319\" installutil.exe -u "C:\Users\Rahul\WindowsService\bin\Debug\WindowsService.exe" Conclusion. SC command (Service Controller) is used to manage the Windows Services from the command prompt. Ask Question Asked 9 years ago. If the space is omitted, the operation fails. serviceName is the name of the Windows service to be created. To display information for the wuauserv service, type: From the same command prompt type in: What is sc config? Apparently all you need to specify is a friendly . To display information for active services only, type either of the following commands: sc.exe query sc.exe query type= service. Could someone tell me how we can set the username and password for any windows service? Be sure to enclose the name in quotes if it contains a space! Restart cmd and type installutil at command prompt. To Uninstall the Windows service using "-u" option with the same command as installation. If this worked you should see: [SC] CreateService SUCCESS. Stopping/Starting a Service with SC. Right-click > click Add Installer. The following examples will help you to change service startup to manual or disable it. From the Start menu, select the Visual Studio <version> directory, then select Developer Command Prompt for VS <version>. The Developer Command Prompt for Visual Studio appears. To create and register a new binary path for the NewService service, type: sc.exe \\myserver create NewService binpath= c:\windows\system32\NewServ.exe sc.exe create NewService binpath= c:\windows\system32\NewServ.exe type= share start= auto depend= +TDI NetBIOS To learn more about the sc.exe command, see SC commands. Open your service class file in design mode in Visual Studio. 4. Each command-line option (parameter) must include the equal sign as part of the option name. Use the below command to install a Windows Service. At a bare minimum, you need to set the ServiceName and Account properties. Modified 8 years, 6 months ago. Start Service: sc start ServiceName. Only few commands required here. Run InstallUtil.exe from the command prompt with your project's output as a parameter: Console. As you have discovered, the "SC CREATE" command will create a new Windows Service. The command line must look like this: SC CREATE <SERVICE-NAME> binpath= "<FULL-PATH-TO-PROGRAM>". Use this command to manage / poll service . What is the difference between the two modes. Using sc command we can query, start , stop windows services. To display information for active services, and to specify a buffer size of 2,000 bytes, type: sc.exe query type= all bufsize= 2000. Examples. After binpath= and before " space should be there. This tutorial helped you to install the service .
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